EDEN eNews for Property Owners & Managers

June 2023 Issue

Introducing New Incentives for Housing Providers
with Units in Lakewood

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Incentive Funds Available for Units in Lakewood

EDEN has received funding from the Healthy Lakewood Foundation to encourage landlords with properties in Lakewood to rent their housing units to our tenants. This is what the funding can be used for:

  • Additional security deposits may be available for tenants with poor housing histories. We understand that renting to people with poor credit, prior evictions, or criminal backgrounds can be perceived as a risk. An additional security deposit will reduce the risk you are undertaking.
  • If one of your units fails its HQS inspection, we may refund you for any repairs you need to make in order for the unit to pass (up to $1,000). As a general rule, repairs and maintenance are eligible for reimbursement, while replacements, renovations and upgrades are not.
    • Example: repairing a window is eligible; replacing a window is not. 
    • Example: fixing or replacing a faucet is eligible; renovating a kitchen is not.
    • Cleaning, pest control, lock repairs, and spot painting are eligible for reimbursement; replacing carpets and painting entire rooms are not.
  • EDEN may be able to pay up to 3 months of back rent for tenants who have fallen behind in their payments due to income loss, health issues, etc.
  • If the tenant vacates the unit and you find damage exceeding the security deposit, EDEN may be able to cover reasonable costs to repair damages (up to $1,500). Again, repairs and maintenance are eligible for reimbursement, while replacements, renovations and upgrades are not.
  • A financial incentive may be available if you are new to renting to EDEN tenants.


Goals of the Incentive Funds

LakewoodEDEN’s mission is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness. We are hoping that these funds will accomplish the following:

  • Increase the number of property owners willing to work with EDEN’s programs, ultimately improving the housing search process for our tenants.
  • Support property owners who elect to rent to subsidy holders as part of their business model.
  • Locate housing, that is safe, decent and affordable, in more geographic locations throughout Cuyahoga County.
  • Maintain or improve the quality of available housing units, as property owners may get financial support in covering the costs of items needed to pass HQS inspections.
  • Decrease the length of time between homelessness and housing.


So how can you benefit?

  • If you are not yet registered with EDEN as a housing provider, visit www.EDENcle.org/owners and follow the six steps for getting registered. Call the Property Owner Hotline at 216-503-6369 and we will answer your questions and discuss any financial incentives available to you once an EDEN tenant is housed.
  • If you want an additional security deposit for a potential new tenant, complete the form at www.EDENcle.org/form/incentives. Be sure to identify why the additional deposit is warranted.
  • If one of your units fails its HQS inspection, make the repairs and save all receipts. Complete the form at www.EDENcle.org/form/incentives.  
  • If an EDEN tenant has fallen behind 2-3 months in their payments, complete the form at www.EDENcle.org/form/incentives. We will also ask the tenant’s Housing Locator or Eligibility Specialist to work with them to make sure your future rent is paid.
  • If the tenant vacates the unit and you find damages exceeding the security deposit, document the damage, get an estimate or make repairs, and save all documentation. Complete the form at www.EDENcle.org/form/incentives.


At this time, only units in Lakewood are eligible for these incentives. We do plan on expanding the program to units throughout Cuyahoga County once additional support is received.

Funding for these incentives is limited, so please don’t wait. If you have any questions, please contact the Property Owner Hotline at 216-503-6369 or edenlandlordinfo@edencle.org.

Thank you for helping EDEN in its mission to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness. Your support is greatly appreciated!



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Watch our Video

Watch the Video about Our Program for Housing Providers & Property Managers

Watch the video


We want to partner with you!

EDEN has a robust program to help property owners and managers to attract and retain renters for their properties. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or want additional information. Click here to email our Community Housing Agents or call the property owner hotline at 216-503-6369.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if my tenant is unable to pay their portion of the rent due to a decrease or loss of income?

For long-term programs, rent calculations can be re-done by EDEN with proof of loss of income. The tenant needs to notify EDEN of this change and supply proper documentation.

What do I do if there are damages to my property when the tenant moves out?

You will deduct the damages from the security deposit. You must forward to the tenant the documentation and invoices to verify the amount withheld from the security deposit.

If damages exceed the security deposit, please contact the Property Owner Information Line, 216-503-6369, or email EdenLandlordInfo@EDENcle.org. They will determine if there are any additional resources or programs available.

Who do I contact if I have questions about participating in the programs offered by EDEN?

Please call our Property Owner Information Line, 216-503-6369, or email EdenLandlordInfo@EDENcle.org.


Submit Your Questions

Click here to ask a question. We will answer them in our February issue.


Resources for Housing Providers & Managers

Welcome Packet

Brochure for Housing Providers

Housing Provider Information Web Page

Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research

Lead Safe Cleveland
(see section for financial assistance)

Tenant & Housing Provider Duties


Scheduled for Our Next Issue


EDEN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing housing solutions
to people facing housing instabilities and homelessness.