So that our staff can enjoy commemorate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., EDEN will be closed Monday, January 20th, and will re-open on Tuesday.
• If you experience a housing emergency and need immediate assistance, please contact your case manager/housing provider or call 2-1-1.
• EDEN’s answering service will take messages for EDEN-owned properties only.
• If you have paperwork to drop off, please leave it in our dropbox at 7812 Madison Ave, Cleveland. Be sure to include your name and your Specialist’s or Property Manager’s name.
Please join us in celebrating his legacy!
Want more info about fair housing rights? Visit the the Fair Housing Center for Rights and Research
The equal housing opportunity logo is a picture of a small house with the words
“equal housing opportunity” directly beneath it.
According to HUD guidelines, all advertising of residential real estate for sale or rent should contain an equal
housing opportunity logotype, statement, or slogan as a means of educating the home-seeking public that the
property is available to all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national