So that our staff can enjoy commemorate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., EDEN will be closed Monday, January 20th, and will re-open on Tuesday.

• If you experience a housing emergency and need immediate assistance, please contact your case manager/housing provider or call 2-1-1.
• EDEN’s answering service will take messages for EDEN-owned properties only.
• If you have paperwork to drop off, please leave it in our dropbox at 7812 Madison Ave, Cleveland. Be sure to include your name and your Specialist’s or Property Manager’s name.

Please join us in celebrating his legacy!

EDEN, Inc.

Watch the Video about How You Can Benefit | Orientations | Sign Up to Participate | Download the Welcome Packet
List a Property with EDEN | Frequently Asked Questions | Resource Library

Housing Provider Information
For Owners and Managers Seeking to Rent Housing Properties

EDEN is a private, nonprofit housing development agency designed to increase the number of decent and affordable housing units available in northeast Ohio. We oversee housing assistance programs that administer rental assistance funds directly to property owners. These subsidies expand housing opportunities for people in need, and help property owners fill vacancies.

Throughout the years, EDEN has established an excellent record of paying rents on-time, and responding to property owners' calls and questions. We welcome the opportunity to invite new property owners to participate in our rental subsidy programs. Rents are based on property location, property condition and amenities.

For most programs, your asking rent can be approved as long as it is in line with the market and “reasonable.” Many factors go into determining the reasonable amount of rent: number of bedrooms, utilities included, location, etc. If the rent amount being asked—including information about utilities and amenities—is too high for a particular program, we do try to negotiate other options or may be able to refer other households to you. For some programs, EDEN can only approve rent amounts based on an annual Fair Market Rates publication from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In all cases, the participant's income is also considered, which is why a unit may be affordable for some, but not others. Your Community Housing Agent can provide more information.

If you would like to receive announcements for housing providers, click here to be added to our announcement list or check back on this page for updates.

Sign Up to Participate:

housing provider

  1. STEP 1: Review the Housing Provider Welcome Packet
    Never rented with us before? This packet provides details and info that property owners or their designated agents need to get started. It includes a sample contract, minimum inspection requirements, and more.
  2. STEP 2: Complete and Submit the Direct Deposit Form
    Get your monies via direct deposit - complete this form and return it to EDEN.
  3. STEP 3: Complete and Submit the Property Owner/Manager Disclosure Form
    EDEN requires all property owners or designated agents applying for a subsidized housing program to complete this disclosure form so that EDEN has the needed information.
  4. STEP 4: Complete and Submit a W9 Form
    You need to send us a completed W9 in order to get paid. (Haga clic aquí para la versión en español)
    Before you send the completed form, write your phone, email, and the tenant's name at the top.
    We need these for audits. If you have questions, use these samples for how-to help.
    1. Highlighted (versión en español)
    2. Step by Step (versión en español)
    3. Sample if payment goes to individual (Muestra si el pago va a un individuo)
    4. Sample if payment goes to business (Muestra si el pago va a la empresa)

Property Owner Information Request

Property owners, property management staff, and realty companies are all welcome to ask any questions they have about EDEN's programs. Your email will be forwarded to our Community Housing Agents, who will respond promptly.

Communicate with our Community Housing Agents

List a Property with EDEN

Start Sending Us Your Property Listings

housing provider and tenantComplete the Property Listing Form. Completing this form allows EDEN program staff to provide information about your unit(s) to our clients. We encourage you to review the HQS standards to make sure your property will pass the inspection upon the first try. This will not only ensure that your property is ready to rent, but that the time from agreement to move-in is shortened.

When You Are Ready to Rent to a Tenant, Complete the RFLA

When you and our client are ready to move forward with the renting process of your unit, our client will give you a Request for Lease Approval (RFLA). Click here to see what an RFLA contains. The RFLA for Rapid Re-Housing is slightly different; click here to view that version.

Please complete your sections and forward the completed document to the client's Housing Specialist or designated Housing Locator. The housing provider section must be signed, dated, initialed where appropriate, and submitted with all requested documentation.

  • Completed direct deposit form (if not already on file at EDEN).
  • Completed W-9 form (if not already on file at EDEN).
  • Certificate of Occupancy or rental registration (optional for Rapid Re-Housing).

Residential rental property owners (or their agents) are required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy every year from the city where the property is located. The completed Certificate of Occupancy application must list all occupants, provide contact information for the owner and tenants, and be accompanied by an application fee which varies by property type. See your city’s website for more details.

  • Documentation from the county auditor’s website that the taxes are current (optional for Rapid Re-Housing if the property is not in foreclosure).
    • In Cuyahoga County, go to
    • Click on the blue [Address] button and enter the address. Enter or click the search button.
    • A photo of parcels will appear with your parcel marked with an orange dot.
    • Click on the orange dot and then click on the blue [Property Data] button.
    • On the right-side column, click on [Tax Summary by Year].
    • Click on the blue [Download this Report] button and save it to your computer. Include this with your completed RFLA form.

Note: EDEN prints out the RFLA form with the tenant information already entered and gives it to the client, who will then give it to you. RFLA forms without the pre-printed information from our database or with the “DO NOT DUPLICATE” watermark will not be accepted.

Once the RFLA is turned into EDEN, you can expect the process to take approximately 3 weeks for the permanent voucher program and approximately 1 week for temporary voucher programs. This assumes, of course, that all documentation is submitted completely and legibly and the unit passes inspection.


Frequently Asked Questions from Property Owners

What EDEN programs can property owners participate in?

Within our agency, EDEN offers various voucher programs. Most programs function similarly. The main difference between programs is the length of the voucher. We offer both time-limited rental assistance and long-term vouchers. Time-limited programs are designed to help tenants "get on their feet" so that they can comfortably transition to paying their own way. All EDEN participants have access to supportive services (such as financial counseling) so that they are successful. Please consider accepting both time-limited and long-term vouchers when deciding which programs you will accept.

How does EDEN determine how much rent should be paid for my unit?

EDEN recognizes the need for property owner partners to remain competitive in the rental market. EDEN also has limitations on the amount of rent that can be approved due to HUD regulations and funding availability. In addition, as an affordable housing agency, EDEN must be conscious of its role in helping to maintain reasonable and affordable rents in our community to ensure costs do not skyrocket and families with lower incomes are still able to afford safe and decent housing.

The Rent Determination Policy determines initial rents as well as rent increase requests for EDEN’s long-term rental assistance programs. We encourage you to review it and, if you have any questions, contact the Property Owner Information Line, 216-503-6369, or email

This policy does not apply to EDEN’s Rapid Re-Housing Program.

home inspectionWhat are the inspection requirements when an inspector comes out for the first inspection?

Download the Minimum inspection Standards. This list will give you many of the items our inspectors will be looking for when they inspect your unit.

How quickly is the HQS Inspection completed?

Pending all information is complete on the Request for Lease Approval (RFLA) and the unit is ready for the inspection, the initial inspection can be scheduled/completed within 3-10 business days of EDEN receiving the RFLA.

Does EDEN cover additional fees for parking, key deposits, or pet deposits?

No, the tenant would be responsible for paying these fees.

Will you give out my phone number and address to my tenant?

The property owner's phone number will be listed on approval notices that are sent to both client and property owner or designated agent. The property owner's address, however, is not shared with clients.



Who does the tenant pay their portion of the rent?

They pay the property owner or designated agent directly.

How soon will I receive payment for my first month's rent and security deposit?

Payment will be sent within 3-4 business days of our office receiving the passed inspection report.

When should I expect to receive the monthly subsidy payment from EDEN?

Between the 1st and 4th of each month.

Who do I contact if I do not receive a check from EDEN when it is expected?

The initial payment will not be made until the signed Lease Agreement has been received. If you have not received your first rental assistance payment within 30 days of execution of the HAP contract, email with the tenant's name and unit address. If you are an existing property owner and your regular check has not been received by the 10th of the month, email with your tenant's name and the unit address. We will respond within 48 hours.

What if my tenant is unable to pay their portion of the rent due to a decrease or loss of income?

For long-term programs, rent calculations can be re-done by EDEN with proof of loss of income. The tenant needs to notify EDEN of this change and supply proper documentation.

What do I do if there are damages to my property when the tenant moves out?

You will deduct the damages from the security deposit. You must forward to the tenant the documentation and invoices to verify the amount withheld from the security deposit.

If damages exceed the security deposit, please contact the Property Owner Information Line, 216-503-6369, or email They will determine if there are any additional resources or programs available.

Who do I contact if I have questions about participating in the programs offered by EDEN?

Please call our Property Owner Information Line, 216-503-6369, or email



Resource Library for Property Owners



Special Check Requests

Making Changes to Our Agreement

Property Owner Basics






EDEN's mission is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness.

7812 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102
Phone: 216-961-9690
Client Info Line: 216-634-0202
Property Owner Hotline: 216-503-6369
TDD/TTY: 800-545-1833, ext. 873
Fax: 216-651-4066
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:45 pm

EDEN is committed to being an active champion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) throughout our organization and the communities we serve.





© 2021-2025. All rights reserved. Emerald Development and Economic Network, Inc. (EDEN).