EDEN's office hours are 8:30 am - 4:45 pm. While appointments are encouraged, vendors and visitors will be permitted at HQ or any EDEN site. Please call our main line 216-961-9690 for scheduling. | Questions? Email edeninfo@EDENcle.org and we will respond.
EDEN is always looking for business partners who want to work with us in our mission to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness.
The mission of EDEN is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness. We employ more than 160+ staff and serve more than 3,000 residents. The Agency, its partners, and subsidiaries operate approximately 1,000 units of rental housing; and, through its Housing Choice Voucher Program, EDEN funds housing assistance for the rental of more than 2,000 units of privately owned housing.
EDEN is in need of the following services/products, and we are endeavoring to ensure that all qualified vendors receive fair consideration. Unsolicited vendors are welcome to respond by the posted deadline. Responses sent after the deadline will not be considered.
If you have questions or need clarification, email webmaster@edencle.org. Responses to questions will be posted on this web page and emailed to the RFP lists so that all vendors receive the same information. Please check back often.
Objective: ...
Due Date: ...
FullRFP: ...
How to Submit Your Response: ,,,
Questions & Answers: ...
Click here to send us your contact info. Please specify if you want only announcements for construction/building rehab projects, professional services, or all. We will add you to the list(s) of vendors.
PDF's can be submitted with the online form information.